"When women work on reclaiming the lost part of themselves, they're also working on reclaiming the lost soul of the culture as well." -Maureen Murdock

Writing the Heroine’s Journey

Just about everyone has heard of the hero’s journey, the immensely popular narrative structure based on Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces
whether they realize it or not. For decades, Hollywood has relied on its three act structure to tell some of the most popular stories, and many writers use a popular, nearly identical 27 step outline to craft their stories. Using Maureen Murdock’s seminal work, The Heroine’s Journey, I’ve created a three act, 27 step outline that will resonate with writers longing for a more fulfilling feminine story. This new narrative structure places women at the center of their own stories all the while resonating with a multi-gendered audience.

To more fully understand the nuances of how to get the most out of my heroine’s journey outline, consider signing up for my self-paced, easy to follow class. There, we dig deeper into how mythology and psychology makes this story line resonate so well with readers and examine existing stories that follow the heroine’s journey trajectory.

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Frieda Kahlo's The Broken Column

"In the turmoil of our time, we are being called to a new order of reality."

-Marion Woodman

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