Writing the Heroine’s Journey
Just about everyone has heard of the hero’s journey, the immensely popular narrative structure based on Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces
whether they realize it or not. For decades, Hollywood has relied on its three act structure to tell some of the most popular stories, and many writers use a popular, nearly identical 27 step outline to craft their stories. In this course, you can learn how to harness the life-altering power of The Heroine’s Journey! First, we will examine how it applies to familiar stories. Next, we’ll take a deep dive into the mythological and psychological connections that make these stories resonate with us so deeply. Finally, we will tackle our own stories!
Consider watching or rewatching The Hunger Games movies or reading the trilogy by Suzanne Collins. We will use Katniss’ journey as our guide to understanding the feminine descent toward individuation. You’re also encouraged to bring along another favorite story to see how it might hold up to the heroine journey’s steps.
Course Tuition: $125
Outline/Scene Assessment Only: $175
Course + Assessment: $300.00
- Six modules that carefully explains the steps of the heroine’s journey and how they work within a story,
- Specialized note-taking worksheets that allow you to brainstorm and note tasty tidbits from the lessons,
- A step-by-step graphic organizer broken down into acts so you can easily keep track of your story,
- Lifetime access to all course materials, including revised editions!
- And, if you take advantage of the feedback portion of the course, you’ll receive detailed line edits of your scene or outline and office hours access to me to work out those pesky plot bunnies.